'EIGHTS' FOR VICTORY JOURNAL, ISSUE 10 // by sophie green

I was commissioned by Victory Journal to document the boat race between Oxford and Cambridge universities - one of England’s most storied competitions. It’s a four-mile, 374- yard sprint along a choppy section of the River Thames. The Race has gone largely unchanged in its 186 year history, until this year, when the Oxford and Cambridge women’s crew raced on the same day as the men. The rowers only want to win. In a world where one race seals the legacy of an entire season, nothing else matters. Words: Beejoli Shah. Issue 10, out now - check it out.

Gypsy Gold // by sophie green

Check out the new series on my website titled 'Gypsy Gold'.

My fascination with the quirks and eccentricities of travellers was born after watching the Channel 4’s series, ‘My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding’. I became captivated by the heritage and traditions behind their lives and I felt compelled to go and discover their unique culture for myself.

The shoots took me to regional horse fairs from Appleby in Cumbria, across to Ballianasloe in Ireland, all the way south to Wickham horse fair in Portsmouth. At the fairs, horses are traded, girls search for husbands and friends and family from far and wide reunite.

I love the vibrancy and colours of the fairs and find them totally mesmerising - incredible faces, theatrical outfits, traditional carts, horses, cockerel fights, singing birds and fortune-tellers. Whilst shooting I often felt like I had gone back in time. The process was very organic and the series is a spontaneous, intuitive reaction to what I observed. I became obsessed with small details – the fashion, makeup, eyebrows, hairstyles, market fakes, leather, bits and whips. It’s a series of fun incidentals which create a visual story.

Gypsies have been covered so much in photography, I was aware it could easily look and feel like a cliché – this concern heavily influenced how I photographed, often I saw a good shot but it felt too obvious. I didn’t want this project to become a deep, meaningful, intellectual narrative but to simply record what caught my eye and made me smile. For all the criticism that travellers attract I found plenty of gold.

ELLIE // by sophie green

"I get picked on because I’m a girl. The boys will screw up their own race just to take you out. Often the boys will be as nice as pie to you off the track but when you’re racing it’s totally different. Boys have the mentality that girls shouldn’t do the sport. If I’m successful in a race or if I overtake a boy, they get wound up.” - Ellie Dawson, Mini-Stox Racing Driver.


Really happy to be announced as one of the winners of the Magnum Photos and Photo London Graduate Photographers Award. My project, Bangers & Smash will be exhibited at Somerset House as part of this award and Photo London. Get down and see it.
Check out The Telegraph and TIME features that focuses on this Award, you can see a brief intro of each winning project here; http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/photography/11618526/The-10-best-graduate-photographers.html & http://time.com/3890108/photo-london-magnum-photos/?xid=fbshare